What is the Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health's acceptance rate?
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The Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health is a Private Nonprofit dental school located in Kirksville, MO. It has a class size of 63 students, and graduates will leave with a D.M.D. degree. The dental school operates on a 18-28 week Semester term system. Additionally, the basic science faculty is composed of Medical school faculty only. This dental school does not accept transfer students.
Acceptance Rate:
A total of 1,500 students applied to be a part of the Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health's 2023-2024 D1 class. Of these applicants, 160 students received an offer of admission. Finally, 65 students enrolled in the Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health's D1 Class. Therefore, the Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health's 2023-2024 D1 class had an acceptance rate of 10.67% and an enrollment rate of 40.63%.
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Compare with other schools here (Data Table)Access the full dashboard here10.67%AdmittedAdmit rate = [(num_accepted) / (num_applied)] * 100
40.63%EnrolledEnroll rate = [(num_enrolled) / (num_accepted)] * 100